Austin is the capital of the US state of Texas. It has a long history of human habitation. It also has an interesting history as first a capital of Texas as an independent nation, and later, as a...
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Utah: The State Capitals #44
Salt Lake City is the capital of the state of Utah. It is situated in a dry, arid valley that had very few Native American inhabitants when LDS church members arrived there to settle the place. The...
10 “Must-Do” Genealogy Projects for April
Are you looking for some productive genealogy projects to do for April? As the first full month of spring, April offers some interesting and unique genealogy opportunities that just don't fit in as...
Six Steps to Become a Better Genealogy Researcher
Are you trying to get past a genealogical brick wall? Are you simply stuck in your research on a family branch and feel like you are going around in circles? It is time to elevate your research...
Why does Easter’s date change?
Is it confusing for you to determine when Easter is going to be every year? You're not alone. Most people would have no idea if they didn't consult their calendars or the Internet. But, there is a...
How to Find Your Family Roots (Giveaway Ended)
The deadline for entry into this giveaway is April 22. Make sure to mark your calendar and secure your opportunity to win this invaluable resource for genealogists of any level.