Are you interested in knowing more about your family coat of arms? First, be sure your family actually has one. Here is the truth behind family coats of arms.
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David Newell: The Mister Rogers Biographies
David Newell is an American actor and public relations specialist for children’s television. He is best known for his portrayal of delivery man Mr. McFeely on the beloved children’s TV show Mr...
Your Foot Shape and Your Genealogy
Have you ever heard of foot shape genealogy? It is a concept out of the 19th century that still has some adherents today. It is based on the belief that the shape of your foot can tell you one of...
Betty Aberlin: The Mister Rogers Biographies
Betty Aberlin is an American actress, writer, and poet, best known for her role as Lady Aberlin in the Neighborhood of Make Believe segments on the beloved children’s TV show, Mister Rogers’...
Victoria: The Queens of England
Alexandrina Victoria was Queen of England for an astounding sixty-three years, a feat not surpassed until that of her great-great granddaughter, Elizabeth II. Known for her strict moral standards and...
Who Are the Black Dutch?
Were you told you have Black Dutch ancestry, but don't know what it means? It means a lot of different things. Here is what you need to know about these people.