Are you familiar with Griffith's Valuation of Ireland? If not, now is the time to become acquainted with it. It is invaluable in mid-19th century Irish research.
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A Closer Look at Reading Maps #3
In order to make use of ancient maps, historical maps, topographical maps, fire insurance maps, and even gazette maps from previous centuries, you must first learn to identify the location of a piece...
Harriet Lane: America’s First Ladies #15
Harriet Lane was the niece of 15th US President James Buchannan and served as the bachelor president’s First Lady. She was popular, well-known, and admired here and in England. Besides that, she left...
A Closer Look at Oral Histories #2
Oral histories are an important genealogical tool. You can learn so much from them. Even more importantly, they give you an entirely unique perspective on history and life in general from one unique...
The Loss of Millions of Military Records
The National Personnel Records Center suffered a fire in 1973 that destroyed millions of military service records from 1916 to 1964. Here's what happened.
A Closer Look at Oral Histories #1
Oral histories are a valuable genealogical resource. They give a unique perspective that only one person on the face of the earth could ever give, which is that of the person giving the history. They...