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Tips for Researching British Ancestors

Do you have British ancestry? Are you not sure, but suspect you might? Here's how to find them, and how to research them in England once you find them here.

Pierre, South Dakota: The State Capital

Pierre is the capital of the state of South Dakota. It started as a fur trading post, and gradually became a city as the western territories were opened up to American settlement. It is one of the...

Nashville, Tennessee: The State Capitals

Nashville is the capital city of the state of Tennessee. It has a long history of habitation by humans, going millennia back into prehistory. The Europeans came much later, but they turned Nashville...

Kissing Cousins

Let's explore a topic that's as fascinating as it is complex: kissing cousins. The phrase might conjure images of old-world aristocracy or forgotten rural traditions, but as we'll discover, its...

Austin, Texas: The State Capitals

Austin is the capital of the US state of Texas. It has a long history of human habitation. It also has an interesting history as first a capital of Texas as an independent nation, and later, as a...

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