Category - A Closer Look at Immigration Records

Migratory Patterns and Ancestry

Join me in retracing the footsteps of our ancestors, where every path holds tales of exploration and identity. Together, let’s uncover how the great migrations of the past resonate in our personal...

A Closer Look at Immigration Records #4

If you don’t know when or where your ancestor came to the United States, there are places you can look that can provide you with that information. Once you have the information, you can look up the...

A Closer Look at Immigration Records #3

Ellis Island was the sole federally sanctioned and approved port of entry for immigrants from 1892 to 1924. It processed millions upon millions upon millions of immigrants during this time of...

A Closer Look at Immigration Records #2

Castle Garden was the first official port of arrival for immigrants to the United States. Located at the Battery in New York City, it processed more than eleven million immigrants during the time it...

A Closer Look at Immigration Records #1

People from Europe have been coming to North America for a thousand years. The more permanent European settlements, however, did not start being established until the late 16th and early 17th...