- A Genealogist’s Guide to Discovering Your Scottish Ancestors
Everything you need to start your Scottish ancestry research is in this book. You’ll learn how to solve research problems specific to Scottish genealogy records.
- Scottish Genealogy Crash Course OnDemand Webinar
Searching for Scottish records can be strenuous, especially for genealogists unfamiliar with available resources. Many want to know more about their Scotland-based heritage, but don’t know where to begin beyond Ancestry.com or FamilySearch.org. Fortunately, finding your Scottish family isn’t so hard if you know where to look. To the website ScotlandsPeople.gov and beyond, let expert Christine Woodcock breathe air into your bagpipes and stimulate your Scottish genealogy.
- Scottish Genealogy Research Guide
Got a wee bit (or more) of Scottish ancestry? You’re in luck: The best records for researching ancestors in Scotland are online, and we’ll show you where to find:
- Secrets for Seeking Scottish Ancestors Video Course
Have some haggis in your heritage? From Edinburgh to Glasgow, this government site has almost 90 million records to help solve your Scottish genealogy snafus.
- Genealogy at a Glance: Scottish Genealogy Research
Designed to cover the basic elements of genealogical research in just four pages, the “Genealogy at a Glance” series attempts to give you as much useful information in the space allotted as you’ll ever need. In less than a handful of pages (specially laminated for heavy use) it provides an overview of the facts you need to know in order to begin and proceed successfully with your research, allowing you to grasp the basics of research at a glance. These may be the best four pages you’ll ever read on Scottish genealogy.