Though she was only First Lady for a month, and never actually went to D.C. during her husband’s brief presidency, Anna Symmes, the wife of ninth U.S. President William Henry Harrison, was an...
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How Riverboats and Steamers Shaped American History
Before trains and automobiles, it was riverboats that connected America. You can learn more about the rich American tradition of steamships here.
Angelica Singleton Van Buren: America’s First Ladies #8
Like several other early presidents, Martin Van Buren was a widower. His beautiful, accomplished daughter-in-law, Angelica, stepped in to fill that role. A daughter of a wealthy southern family, she...
Francis Hopkinson: The Signers of the Declaration of Independence
Francis Hopkinson was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. However, this important and famous signature was just one of a virtual cornucopia of accomplishments by Francis. He was truly a...
Colorado: American Folklore, Part 6
Colorado has plenty of its own unique folklore, going all the way back thousands of years into the early times of habitation by the first Native Americans. These are some of the more intriguing tales...
The Eighteenth Amendment: The Constitutional Amendments
The Eighteenth Amendment to the US Constitution was the infamous one that established Prohibition—the ban on the production, transportation, and sale of alcohol in the United States. Temperance...