Thelma Ryan was called “Pat” from an early age, and eventually became Pat Nixon, the thirty-seventh First Lady of the United States. A farmer’s daughter, she worked her whole life until her first...
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How to Research World War II History
There are a great many ways to discover what a relative did during WWII. Here are some of the best ways to Start Studying World War II History.
What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1900s?
The 1900s were an important decade in American history, as well as the history of the world. There were many new inventions that changed the landscape of the planet forever, as well as the way people...
Who Was St. Nick (aka Santa Claus)?
Santa Claus is sometimes referred to as St. Nicholas or Chris Cringle. It turns out, St. Nicholas was a real person who was known for kindness, his love of children, and for helping the needy, the...
The Military Service of Jimmy Stewart
Jimmy Stewart is an American actor best known for playing George Bailey in the classic Christmas movie, It’s a Wonderful Life. Yet, there was way more to Jimmy Stewart than just a famous movie role...
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The adventure of the Apollo 8 spacecraft on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in 1968 was one that captivated the world. Initially meant to be a simple Earth orbit mission, the mission was changed at...