Massachusetts Revolutionary War Soldiers & Sailors, 1775-1782

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The index you’re describing is a significant compilation of records detailing the military careers of soldiers and sailors from Massachusetts who participated in the Revolutionary War between 1775 and 1782. This collection is encapsulated in seventeen volumes titled “Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War,” meticulously compiled from various documents in the Massachusetts State Archives.

Initiated under the directive of the General Court of Massachusetts in 1891, this project aimed to create an indexed compilation of records for those who served in the Army or Navy during the Revolutionary War, as documented in the archives in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. The compilation process began with an index based on muster rolls, payrolls, and other documents from the Revolutionary War archives, later incorporating primary sources such as military orders, regiment books, orderly books, and account books.

This expansive collection, comprising approximately 410,000 entries of soldiers, sailors, and their commanding officers, serves as an invaluable resource for historians, genealogists, and anyone interested in the contributions of Massachusetts personnel to the Revolutionary War effort.

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