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A Closer Look at Military Records #4

A source of military records that is unorthodox but interesting, and potentially extremely rewarding, is old newspaper records. It was not uncommon during times of war for local newspapers to publish...

Alabama: The State Capitals, Part 1

Are you curious about how state capitals got their beginnings? Most have fascinating origin stories. Take Montgomery, Alabama, for example. With a history going back thousands of years, but only...

A Closer Look at Oral Histories #1

Oral histories are a valuable genealogical resource. They give a unique perspective that only one person on the face of the earth could ever give, which is that of the person giving the history. They...

The Creation and History of the YMCA

It is the name of a popular song by The Village People, but the YMCA is far more than that. It is a group that goes back more than one and a half centuries. It was created to provide wholesome...

His Early Life: Walt Disney an American Icon

Walt Disney is a well-known American cultural icon, whose movies and theme parks are famous around the world. While his creative genius is respected and his projects are known, not much is ever said...

The Tenth Amendment: The Bill of Rights

The Tenth Amendment is the last amendment in the Bill of Rights. It makes it clear that the powers of the Federal government are limited to only what is particularly given to it in the Constitution...