Search Results For - traditions

Thanksgiving and America’s Early Settlers

Today, let’s explore the origins of Thanksgiving! Learn how the early settlers' beliefs and their interactions with Native Americans shaped this important American holiday. It's a fascinating mix of...

Should it be Grand or Great?

Are you confused about what to call your aunts and uncles from older generations? Let's break it down and find out when to say ‘grand’ and when to say ‘great,’ and why it changes as you go back in...

100 Questions to Ask Your Relatives

Family is a rich blend of stories and traditions that shape our identity, often preserved by older relatives. Asking questions is key to uncovering this heritage. This curated list of 100 questions...

The Military Service of Jimmy Stewart

Jimmy Stewart is an American actor best known for playing George Bailey in the classic Christmas movie, It’s a Wonderful Life. Yet, there was way more to Jimmy Stewart than just a famous movie role...

The History of the Christmas Tree

Christmas trees are an expected part of Christmas now, but how did they come to occupy such a special place in the Christmas celebrations of the western world? Some believe the answer can be found...

Lou Henry Hoover: America’s First Ladies, #31

Lou Henry Hoover was the 31st First Lady of the United States. The wife of Herbert Hoover, she was First Lady when the Great Depression began. She was athletic and confident, and introduced some...