Genealogy Book Club

The Troubleshooter’s Guide to Do-It-Yourself Genealogy

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Genealogy Book Club

Here’s another genealogy research book I’d recommend. The essential follow-on guide from the author of the classic “Secrets of Tracing Your Ancestors,” this book shows advanced do-it-yourselfers how to tackle common research problems!

Leading genealogy author W. Daniel Quillen picks up where he left off in “Secrets of Tracing Your Ancestors” in this newly revised second edition. He shows do-it yourself genealogists who have progressed past his beginning steps exactly how to find their ancestors with more advanced methods of researching those hard-to-find ancestors. Quillen tells readers how to overcome those difficult roadblocks that frequently crop up. Investigative techniques, research insights and new websites are highlighted to assit with more advanced genealogical research. Areas covered include in-depth census research; mortality schedules; extensive section on military records; US region-by-region research assistance; global research tips; and when to engage the services of a professional genealogist and what you can expect. Family Chronicle magazine praised Quillen’s work as displaying “passion and a touch of humor.”…

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