Category - Christmas

Tracing Faith Through Family Lines

As the holiday season settles around us, we often reflect on why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. For generations, families have turned to the biblical accounts of Christ’s birth as a...

A Silent Night

The cold of December bit deeper than the mud underfoot, making every breath visible in the icy air. Private William Roberts adjusted his scarf, but it did little to stop the chill from creeping into...

Sleigh Bells and Census Records

The sound of sleigh bells jingling through the crisp winter air evokes images of joyful gatherings, festive decorations, and cherished family traditions. But how can you uncover the specific ways...

Spinning Old Christmas Yarns

I remember a simple yet enchanting holiday moment—it began with my grandparents standing beside the Christmas tree. Its lights were glowing gently in the early evening, and the house carried that...

The Christmas Mystery Box

There’s a certain hush that falls over the house after the lights are strung and the tree’s ornaments are in place. In that quiet moment, you might notice a forgotten box tucked away on a shelf or...

Grandma’s Gingerbread and Grandpa’s Carol

Imagine stepping into a warm kitchen on a cold December afternoon. Light streams through the window, catching dust motes in the air as the oven door swings open to reveal rows of gingerbread...

What is Christmas?

Uncover the heart of Christmas in the Bible's stories: Gabriel's message to Mary, Jesus' birth, the shepherds' divine encounter, and the wise men's journey. Explore these events to grasp the...

Who Was St. Nick (aka Santa Claus)?

Santa Claus is sometimes referred to as St. Nicholas or Chris Cringle. It turns out, St. Nicholas was a real person who was known for kindness, his love of children, and for helping the needy, the...

Russian Christmas Traditions You Should Know

If you have Russian heritage, you will be interested in learning about Russian Christmas traditions. These traditions help connect you to your Russian ancestors of today and of long ago. You might...

The History of the Christmas Tree

Christmas trees are an expected part of Christmas now, but how did they come to occupy such a special place in the Christmas celebrations of the western world? Some believe the answer can be found...

Christmas Traditions and Genealogy

What clues do your family's Christmas traditions hold to your genealogy? Heres how to use traditional Christmas customs around the world in genealogy research.

French Christmas Traditions

France has a variety of unique and interesting Christmas traditions. Some are unique to France, while others are borrowed or adapted from other cultures. They all have unique meanings. Learning about...