If you have French ancestry, you will want to know a little more about French surnames and their history. This information will let you know more about your French ancestors than you imagined.
Category - Family Surnames
Tips to Find Ancestors with Frustratingly Common Surnames
Do you have an ancestor with an incredibly common surname, or a surname that is a place, verb, or noun? These people can be tricky to identify in old records. Here are some tips for searching for...
Soundex: What It Is and How to Use It
Have you seen a Soundex search option when using census databases online? If you have, but don't know what it is or why you should use it, here's the scoop.
Understanding The Meaning of Your American Surname
Are you curious about the origin of your American surname? Looking into it can tell you more than just a meaning. It can reveal ancient people and places.
Surname Studies: How They Can Help You Find Your Ancestors
Are you curious about your surname and its origins? You might want to join a surname study group. Here's how these groups can help your genealogy research.