Exploring family history is akin to solving a captivating mystery across time. Often underestimated, historical genealogy societies hold the key to this enthralling puzzle. Their dedication to...
Category - Lineage Societies
3 Genealogy Societies Every Serious Genealogist Should Join
Every genealogist needs to belong to some genealogical organizations, to stay on the cutting edge of research. Here are the three all genealogists should join.
Lineage Societies: How to Join Them (and Why You Should)
When people get involved in genealogy, a lot of them will eventually become interested in lineage societies. What are lineage societies?
Order of the Crown of Charlemagne in America
What is the Order of the Crown of Charlemagne in America, and why should you join? Here's what you need to know about this prestigious lineage society.
Royal Blood? Lineage Societies for You
Are you descended from royalty? Then you should join one of these lineage societies for descendants of kings and queens.