Discover the captivating tale of Zona Heaster Shue, whose mysterious death led to an extraordinary trial. This story weaves together elements of love, betrayal, and a ghostly visitation, ultimately...
Category - American Folklore
Folklore in Washington
Washington is a state in the northwest of the United States, and it has a long history of human habitation. One of the oldest human skeletons in North America was found there. Europeans are not known...
Exploring the Rich Folklore in Wyoming
Wyoming is a very large state, land-wise, but is the least populous people-wise in the United States. It has many fascinating geographical structures and a long history of Native American habitation...
Lover’s Leap: A Tale of Tragedy and Legend
Explore the tragic history of Lover's Leap in Hannibal, where two Native American lovers defied their tribes and leaped into the river below. Learn the historical significance of this North American...
American Folklore: West Virginia
West Virginia used to be part of Virginia, but its unique geography and culture made it an ideal candidate to be its own state. It received this gift in 1863, and has been the epitome of rural...
American Folklore: Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C. is the nation’s capital city, and it has some truly intriguing folklore that goes along with it. From the supernatural to conspiracy theories involving everything from the Illuminati...
Groundhog Day: The Rich History of a Quirky Tradition
This tradition has captured hearts and imaginations over centuries, from its ancient European roots to its expansion into a North American cultural phenomenon.
The Tail of The Dragon: A Melding of History and Myth
Nestled between North Carolina and Tennessee lies Deals Gap, a realm of breathtaking vistas and thrilling roads. But beyond the curves of the Tail of the Dragon, whispers of ancient tales beckon. Is...
Shadows Over Point Pleasant
Journey into the lingering mystery that has kept Point Pleasant in the public eye for decades. From eerie sightings near an old military plant to a tragic bridge collapse, find out how this West...
Iowa: American Folklore, Part 15
Iowa was part of the Louisiana Purchase, and has a long Native American history going back before that. There is a lot of folklore here to explore. Here are some of the highlights of it.
Indiana: American Folklore, Part 14
Indiana is the 19th state admitted to the union, with a Native American history going back centuries farther than that, and it borders the Great Lakes. There is plenty of fodder here for folklore...
Illinois: American Folklore, Part 13
Illinois is home to quite a few interesting legends and folklore stories. It has had centuries of human habitation to develop them. Some tales are old and some are newer, but all are uniquely...
Idaho: American Folklore, Part 12
Idaho has some interesting folklore stories going back centuries, and even thousands of years. From nearly every body of water in the state being haunted or having a monster to mysterious creatures...
American Folklore (eBook)
Whether these American folklore stories are already well-known and beloved by you or new to you, there is no doubt you will find some fascinating tales in this intriguing collection.
Georgia: American Folklore, Part 10
Georgia has a long history going back millennia with Native Americans, and centuries with European colonists. During that time, it has accumulated quite a bit of its own, uniquely Georgian folklore...