Have you tried sending introductory emails to your DNA matches on DNA testing sites and gotten a poor response rate? You're not alone. It's all too common in the DNA world. Here are some excellent...
On Christmas Day in 1868, US President Andrew Johnson issued a general pardon to anyone who had fought for or supported the Confederacy in the Civil War, which had ended three years previously. This...
It is just as important to cite your genealogy sources correctly as it is to cite them at all. Here's what can happen if you're careless with your sources.
New Mexico has a long and storied history, beginning with the Native Americans, then the Spanish explorers, then Mexico, then the United States. It has plenty of its own intriguing folklore to share...
Whether these American folklore stories are already well-known and beloved by you or new to you, there is no doubt you will find some fascinating tales in this intriguing collection.