Have you tried sending introductory emails to your DNA matches on DNA testing sites and gotten a poor response rate? You're not alone. It's all too common in the DNA world. Here are some excellent...
Each state in the union has its own unique folklore. Some is spooky, some is strange, some is fascinating, and some is actually educational. Here are some of the spookier tales from the unique and...
Are you just getting started with your Jewish genealogy? Here's how to overcome the myths associated with it and get at the truth of your Jewish family tree.
Salt Lake City is the capital of the state of Utah. It is situated in a dry, arid valley that had very few Native American inhabitants when LDS church members arrived there to settle the place. The...
Genealogy Book Club Recommendation Break through brick walls in your genealogical research Learn how to use innovative methods to unearth hard-to-find ancestors. Advanced Genealogy Research...