Search Results For - land grants

Who Was St. Nick (aka Santa Claus)?

Santa Claus is sometimes referred to as St. Nicholas or Chris Cringle. It turns out, St. Nicholas was a real person who was known for kindness, his love of children, and for helping the needy, the...

Hal Adelquist: The Mouseketeers, Part 1

Hal Adelquist is known for being instrumental in bringing the Mickey Mouse Club TV show to the air and making it a success during its first season. He worked for the Disney Company for decades prior...

The Creation and History of the YMCA

It is the name of a popular song by The Village People, but the YMCA is far more than that. It is a group that goes back more than one and a half centuries. It was created to provide wholesome...

A Closer Look at Passenger Lists #1

Passenger records are an excellent source of genealogical information. People have been exploring the world by sea for thousands of years, and often used sea routes to settle in the new places they...

A Closer Look at Immigration Records #3

Ellis Island was the sole federally sanctioned and approved port of entry for immigrants from 1892 to 1924. It processed millions upon millions upon millions of immigrants during this time of...

A Closer Look at Passenger Lists #2

Passenger lists of ships of immigrants to the United States are valuable research tools for genealogists. There is a wealth of information on individual immigrants that can potentially be found in...

A Closer Look at Immigration Records #1

People from Europe have been coming to North America for a thousand years. The more permanent European settlements, however, did not start being established until the late 16th and early 17th...

His Early Life: Walt Disney an American Icon

Walt Disney is a well-known American cultural icon, whose movies and theme parks are famous around the world. While his creative genius is respected and his projects are known, not much is ever said...