Search Results For - land grants

How Did They End Up There?

Have you ever considered why your ancestors lived where they did? People have been moving throughout human history, but there has usually been a reason. Learning the reason will reveal a lot of new...

A Review of Stories from Ipswich

Explore the rich history of Ipswich, a key port for 17th-century migration to America. Learn about the lives and journeys of early New England settlers.

Genealogical Adventures in Town Halls

If you're not using town halls in your genealogical research, you are missing out on some excellent and hard to find information. Here's why you should use them and what you may find there.

Canada Resources

Canada Immigration Genealogy Guide What with the Mayflower story and the millions of people who set foot on Ellis Island, US arrivals seem to hog most of the attention when it comes to immigration...