Search Results For - Native American

American Folklore: West Virginia

West Virginia used to be part of Virginia, but its unique geography and culture made it an ideal candidate to be its own state. It received this gift in 1863, and has been the epitome of rural...

American Folklore: Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. is the nation’s capital city, and it has some truly intriguing folklore that goes along with it. From the supernatural to conspiracy theories involving everything from the Illuminati...

Iowa: American Folklore, Part 15

Iowa was part of the Louisiana Purchase, and has a long Native American history going back before that. There is a lot of folklore here to explore. Here are some of the highlights of it.

Indiana: American Folklore, Part 14

Indiana is the 19th state admitted to the union, with a Native American history going back centuries farther than that, and it borders the Great Lakes. There is plenty of fodder here for folklore...

Illinois: American Folklore, Part 13

Illinois is home to quite a few interesting legends and folklore stories. It has had centuries of human habitation to develop them. Some tales are old and some are newer, but all are uniquely...

Idaho: American Folklore, Part 12

Idaho has some interesting folklore stories going back centuries, and even thousands of years. From nearly every body of water in the state being haunted or having a monster to mysterious creatures...

The Fighting American Doughboys

The term ‘doughboy’ is one which remained a popular nickname for US servicemen for almost 100 years and which almost certainly had its origins in the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848.

His Early Life: Walt Disney an American Icon

Walt Disney is a well-known American cultural icon, whose movies and theme parks are famous around the world. While his creative genius is respected and his projects are known, not much is ever said...