Search Results For - World War I

The Fighting American Doughboys

The term ‘doughboy’ is one which remained a popular nickname for US servicemen for almost 100 years and which almost certainly had its origins in the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848.

Spitfire: The Tiger of the Skies

The Supermarine Spitfire was the iconic British aircraft of the Second World War and perhaps the most famous aircraft of the entire war of any of the participating nations. 

Have You Visited Angel Island?

Have you visited Angel Island in San Francisco? What do you think about building a state park on an island with such a storied past?

Getting Kids Into Genealogy

Even at a very young age, you can involve a child in genealogy. Here are the First Steps For Getting Kids Into Genealogy.

The History of the Ghost Army

Do you know the tale of the Ghost Army of WWII? It's a fascinating story that is just coming to light. Their tale shows what a difference an artist can make.

Faster Than a Speeding Bullet

We all have to admit it that when we’re doing genealogy research to learn about our families’ histories, we secretly hope to find someone famous in our family trees. Or maybe not so...

Theodore Roosevelt: The Energetic Reformer

Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was born in New York City on October 27, 1858, to Theodore Roosevelt Sr. and Martha Bulloch Roosevelt. The Roosevelt family was wealthy and influential, with a public service...

Introduction to Indian Genealogy

India, with its diverse cultures, ancient traditions, and rich historical background, offers an intriguing yet complex landscape for genealogical research. For anyone with roots in this vast nation...