Search Results For - passenger lists

Immigrants to Pennsylvania, 1600s-1800s

William Penn, a Quaker, established Pennsylvania’s most important early settlement. Chartered in 1681 by King Charles II, Penn’s colony was mainly made up of English Quakers but also...

American Source Records in England, 1600s-1800s

Explore the Atlantic with this indispensable compilation of English will abstracts, church records, and passenger lists. Primarily consisting of English summaries, this resource can link your...

Irish Immigrants to North America, 1803-1871

Follow your ancestors as they leave Ireland to start a new life elsewhere. These records are mostly about 46,000 Irish people who came to the United States and Canada in the 19th century.

Why Irish Genealogy Is So Difficult?

Let’s discover the intricate challenges of tracing Irish genealogy. From lost records to migration patterns, delve deep into the reasons behind the difficulties and learn how to navigate them...

Understanding Brazilian Surnames

Surnames are more than identifiers; they’re windows into the past, offering clues about a family’s origins, occupations, social status, and migration patterns. In Brazil, a country known for its rich...

Brazilian Immigration Waves

Brazil, a land of vibrant cultures, rhythmic music, and breathtaking landscapes, owes much of its rich diversity to the waves of immigrants who have made it their home over the centuries. Tracing...

Free Military Record Lookups

Military records are a rich source of genealogical information, offering insights into your ancestors’ service and sacrifices. These records provide details such as enlistment dates, ranks, and...

Early South Carolina Settlers 1600s-1800s

The compilation of “Early South Carolina Settlers 1600s-1800s” is a treasure trove for those interested in the history of South Carolina’s early inhabitants. This unique index...

Lawrence Welk: The Lawrence Welk Show

Lawrence Welk was a beloved band leader, with a special type of music called champaign music, which the crowds loved. He toured the country with his band, and had his own TV show for decades. The son...