International Genealogy

FREE Access to British & Irish Records Between June 22-26 (FindMyPast)

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Free access will begin at 4am (EDT) on June 22 and end at 6.59pm (EDT) on June 26

During this time you can enjoy over 1.1 billion of Findmypast’s British and Irish records completely free.  Click Here to Search for Your British or Irish Ancestors.

What is Included in the FREE Access?

The easiest way to see what is included in this special free access is to visit their A-Z of records. All of the record sets listed under both the United Kingdom and Ireland sections of the ‘Showing records from’ menu are included.

Here’s a surname search that I did for my family name.  As you can see, the preview button is from their premium record set, the 1939 Register is exempt from this free access promotion. I was still able to get some interesting information.

What is Not Included?

Their premium record set, the 1939 Register is exempt from this free access promotion. Their historical British and Irish newspapers, which sit in a separate search interface to the rest of our records are not included either. For privacy reasons, UK Electoral Registers 2002-2014 and UK Companies House Directors 2002 – 2014 are also not included. Remember also that none of their record collections from the United States, Canada, Australia or New Zealand are included. To explore any of these records, you’ll need a suitable subscription.