Search Results For - The Founding Fathers

The Seventh Amendment: The Bill of Rights

The Founding Fathers really wanted to make sure that the common, everyday people of America would have fair and equal legal rights, no matter their wealth or status in society. They wanted everyone...

The Sixth Amendment: The Bill of Rights

The Sixth Amendment to the Bill of Rights adds some more legal rights to people who are accused of crimes in the United States. Most of these rights were revolutionary for any country, and even for...

The Fifth Amendment: The Bill of Rights

The Fifth Amendment to the Bill of Rights says a lot of things, but they are all things that pertain to the rights of citizens if they are facing or involved in a trial in a court of law. Protecting...

The Second Amendment: The Bill of Rights

The 2nd Amendment is a simple one, coming in at just one sentence. Yet, it is the one that people in the United States argue the most about today regarding its meaning. This is a description of that...

The Fourth Amendment: The Bill of Rights

The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution in the Bill of Rights is the one that protects private citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures of their private property by the government. It...

A Closer Look at the 1810 US Federal Census

The 1810 US federal census is a valuable genealogical document. While it is simpler and more basic than later censuses, it is still a useful and important research tool for those conducting research...

The Eighth Amendment: The Bill of Rights

The Eighth Amendment to the Bill of Rights is the one that has the prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. This is what the Eighth Amendment tells us about our protections.

The Third Amendment: The Bill of Rights

The third amendment in the Bill of Rights assures that private homeowners or occupants cannot be ordered to house and feed soldiers without their consent in times of peace, and without some kind of...