
Family Tree Magazine

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I treated myself to this magazine to see if it could help a seasoned genealogist like me to find new articles or evidence to help locate records for my research. It’s ok, but I already know a lot of the information that the articles discussed. If you are new to genealogy this magazine will help to get you started…

Family Tree Magazine, is the leading how-to publication for those who want to discover, preserve and celebrate their roots. It covers all areas of potential interest to family history enthusiasts, reaching beyond strict genealogy research to include ethnic heritage, family reunions, memoirs, oral history, scrapbooking, historical travel and other ways that families connect with their pasts. Family Tree Magazine strives to provide engaging, easy-to-understand instruction that empowers readers to take the next steps in the quest for their pasts-with a beginner-friendly approach that makes genealogy a hobby anyone can do.

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