Category - The State Capitals

Texas: The State Capitals #43

Austin is the capital of the US state of Texas. It has a long history of human habitation. It also has an interesting history as first a capital of Texas as an independent nation, and later, as a...

Utah: The State Capitals #44

Salt Lake City is the capital of the state of Utah. It is situated in a dry, arid valley that had very few Native American inhabitants when LDS church members arrived there to settle the place. The...

Vermont: The State Capitals #45

Montpelier is the capital of the state of Vermont. It was visited by European fur traders as early as four centuries ago. Those interactions indirectly wiped out most of the area's Native American...

Virginia: The State Capitals #46

The city of Richmond is the capital of the state of Virginia. It was the traditional home of the famous Powhatan Native American tribe that produced Pocahontas. It was also one of the earliest...

Wisconsin: The State Capitals #49

Madison is the capital of the state of Wisconsin in the United States. It has a long history, and its European history begins in the early 1800s, and it has served as an important city in Wisconsin...

West Virginia: The State Capitals #48

Charleston is the capital of the state of West Virginia. It is known for its prolific production of natural resources like natural gas, salt, and coal. Because of this, it has always been a strategic...

Wyoming: The State Capitals #50

The capital of the state of Wyoming is the city of Cheyenne. This city was empty for a long time, except for a few small and dedicated Native American tribes. Its geography and climate made it seem...

Delaware: The State Capitals #8

Dover is the capital of the state of Delaware, as well as a major economic point for the state. With a long history of European settlement and a strong connection to the American Revolution, it is...

Connecticut: The State Capitals #7

Hartford is the state capital of Connecticut. As the oldest city in the state, it earned that status by default. No one ever truly questioned that Hartford should be the capitol of the area. The city...

Colorado: The State Capitals #6

Denver is the capital of the state of Colorado, and it is a prosperous, popular, and intriguing place. From humble beginnings as a gold mining camp, the city quickly became the dominant economic...

California: The State Capitals #5

Sacramento is the state capital of California. With a history of human habitation going back thousands of years with Native Americans, its European habitation is relatively recent. Here is the story...

Arkansas: The State Capitals #4

Little Rock is the capital of Arkansas. It has a long history of human habitation, as well as a rich and varied history of European exploration and settlement. Here is the story of how Little Rock...

Arizona: The State Capitals #3

Phoenix is the capital of Arizona. How did it get to be such a distinguished city? From a seasonal residence for Native hunter/gatherers to a permanent home for farming Natives, Phoenix was not...

Alaska: The State Capitals #2

Alaska is a harsh, inhospitable land to those who are unfamiliar with it, and it is for this reason that it took Europeans so long to even explore it, much less colonize it. As with many things among...

Alabama: The State Capitals #1

Are you curious about how state capitals got their beginnings? Most have fascinating origin stories. Take Montgomery, Alabama, for example. With a history going back thousands of years, but only...