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Illinois: The State Capitals #13

The city of Springfield, Illinois is the capital city of that state. It was not the first capital, but the third. Yet, it came to be the most important city in the state, besides Chicago. Here is the...

The State Capitals: Georgia

Atlanta is a large, metropolitan state capital with a long history of human habitation. It was just a small settlement on the American frontier until the railroad came. After that, it was just a...

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A Closer Look at Prickett’s Fort State Park

Prickett’s Fort State Park is a wonderful historical resource to the state of West Virginia. It not only shows how life was like for English settlers on the West Virginian frontier in the 1700’s, it...

Are We All Royalty? Mathematics Seems to Prove It

Are you descended from royalty? Most genealogists would love to discover this. It is something that sounds prestigious and gives you bragging rights in genealogical circles. The thing is, mathematics...

Tips to Find Your Ancestor’s Origin

Are you curious about what nation your family originated in, before they came to the United States? Most genealogists are, as it helps them know more about their ancestors, as well as their own...

Researching Church Records in the U.S.

Have you ever looked at church records to find your ancestors? If not, you're missing out on a valuable genealogical resource. Here's what you need to know.

European Censuses

Do you have ancestors who lived in Europe and you want to find out more about them? Consider researching European censuses. Here's what you need to know.

A Review of Stories from Ipswich

Explore the rich history of Ipswich, a key port for 17th-century migration to America. Learn about the lives and journeys of early New England settlers.