Search Results For - Spanish

Understanding Brazilian Surnames

Surnames are more than identifiers; they’re windows into the past, offering clues about a family’s origins, occupations, social status, and migration patterns. In Brazil, a country known for its rich...

Brazilian Immigration Waves

Brazil, a land of vibrant cultures, rhythmic music, and breathtaking landscapes, owes much of its rich diversity to the waves of immigrants who have made it their home over the centuries. Tracing...

Baton Rouge, Louisiana: The State Capitals

Baton Rouge is the capital of Louisiana. It has a long history of human habitation, as well as a rich and multi-layered history of European and African settlement. This makes it unique among the...

Salem, Oregon: The State Capitals

Salem is the capital of the state of Oregon. It has a history of human habitation going back hundreds of years. Europeans didn't show up there until fairly recently. When they did, Salem quickly...

John Quincy Adams: The Diplomat President

John Quincy Adams' story is one of dedication, resilience, and a profound sense of duty. His contributions to the early Republic and his unwavering commitment to justice and equality make him a truly...

Ancestral Findings Giveaway

By signing up, you will have the chance to receive ten postcards from my collection. These postcards come from various locations worldwide, showcasing famous landmarks and hidden gems. They offer a...

Columbia, South Carolina: The State Capitals

Columbia is the capital city of South Carolina. It is an old city, and one with much history attached to it. From early European exploration and settlement, to the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, and...

Austin, Texas: The State Capitals

Austin is the capital of the US state of Texas. It has a long history of human habitation. It also has an interesting history as first a capital of Texas as an independent nation, and later, as a...

Folklore in Washington

Washington is a state in the northwest of the United States, and it has a long history of human habitation. One of the oldest human skeletons in North America was found there. Europeans are not known...

Montpelier, Vermont: The State Capitals

Montpelier is the capital of the state of Vermont. It was visited by European fur traders as early as four centuries ago. Those interactions indirectly wiped out most of the area's Native American...

Exploring the Rich Folklore in Wyoming

Wyoming is a very large state, land-wise, but is the least populous people-wise in the United States. It has many fascinating geographical structures and a long history of Native American habitation...