Search Results For - Civil War

James Buchanan: The Precarious Presidency

Join me today as we delve into the tumultuous presidency of James Buchanan, the fifteenth President of the United States. Discover how his support for the controversial Dred Scott decision and the...

Franklin Pierce: The Tragic President

Franklin Pierce’s story is essential to understanding the complexities and challenges of pre-Civil War America. It highlights the nation’s divisions, ambitions, and enduring quest for unity.

Columbia, South Carolina: The State Capitals

Columbia is the capital city of South Carolina. It is an old city, and one with much history attached to it. From early European exploration and settlement, to the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, and...

The Birth of Prosthetics

Let’s journey through history as we uncover the extraordinary tale of the Battle of Philippi in West Virginia. Amidst the turmoil of the Civil War's first land battle, a remarkable figure emerged...

The Shot Heard in Philippi

Let's delve into how a single mother's gunshot catalyzed the first major land battle of the American Civil War. Discover the sequence of events that led thousands of Union and Confederate troops to...

Matilda: The Queens of England

Matilda of England was meant to be Queen, but never quite got there. The only surviving legitimate child of King Henry I, she was supposed to take the crown after him, but her cousin Stephen had the...

A Closer Look at Military Records #2

The Civil War presents a unique case in military records for the United States. This is because only Union records were kept by the federal government for decades. It was the early twentieth century...

Mary Todd Lincoln: America’s First Ladies #16

Mary Todd Lincoln is one of the most famous of the First Ladies. Hers is an interesting tale, sometimes thrilling, sometimes tragic, but always adventurous and captivating. Here is her true tale, the...