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Search Results For - World War II

What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1790s?

The 1790s were a decade of political upheaval around the world, but most particularly in France. The United States was a new nation, just getting its footing in the world. Scandinavia and Great...

What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1950s?

The 1950s were a decade of economic prosperity and cultural change. The modern world as we know it truly came into being. New inventions, cultural changes, and even the emergence of a new, recognized...

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What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1910s?

The 1910s were a decade of invention and innovation. There were many things that came out of that decade that are still being used and enjoyed by people today. Culture took a huge leap forward, as...

What is a Genealogy Wiki?

Are you familiar with wikis? Have you ever used one for your genealogy research? If not, you should. They are excellent genealogical research tools. Here is what a wiki is, why you should be using...

The History of the Merry-Go-Round Museum

Have you heard of the Merry-Go-Round Museum? Located in Sandusky, Ohio, this unique museum is the only place in the world known to solely celebrate the art and history of the merry-go-round. Here is...

Are We All Royalty? Mathematics Seems to Prove It

Are you descended from royalty? Most genealogists would love to discover this. It is something that sounds prestigious and gives you bragging rights in genealogical circles. The thing is, mathematics...

English Settlers in Barbados

The English have a long history in Barbados. It was one of the largest and most important English colonies for centuries. Here's how the connection started.

History of the US Passport Application

The history of passports in the United States is an interesting one, and one that may assist with your genealogical research. Here's what you need to know.

Sicilian Genealogy and Heraldry

Sicilian Genealogy and Heraldry is a new book by one of Sicily’s foremost historians, Louis Mendola. He’s been consulted by the Vatican, the BBC, the New York Times, The History Channel...

Ancestry – 14 billion historical records

Please note that the link below is an affiliate link. I use this service to help me in my personal genealogy research and I recommend it. Be sure to take advantage of the 7-day free offer. I do earn...