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A Closer Look at Prison Records, Part 1

Do you have a black sheep ancestor? Are you sure? There were all kinds of reasons a person might have been incarcerated in times past that seem completely innocent today. Whether you know that you...

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Famous Civil War Battlefields

So, if you’re planning on trekking to one of the famous Civil War battlefields across the country, which ones should be on the top of your list?

Weird Genealogy Terms: What is a Grass Widow?

What is a grass widow? You may come across this unique term in your genealogy research. It is an old one, and has different meanings in Europe and America. It was used in old newspaper records, as...

The Creation of Main Street USA

Main Street USA is the “opening act” at all Disney parks, being the part of the park guests walk through before going through the castle to the primary part of the parks that includes the rides and...

The Rise of Iconic U.S. Lighthouses

Lighthouses are an iconic part of Americana that have a rich history stemming back to ancient Egypt. Let me show you some of the history behind them!

A Closer Look at Military Records #3

Draft cards are excellent sources of information on your military-aged ancestor. Drafts were used in most US wars and military conflicts until the end of the Vietnam War. Digitized draft cards from...

Mary Todd Lincoln: America’s First Ladies #16

Mary Todd Lincoln is one of the most famous of the First Ladies. Hers is an interesting tale, sometimes thrilling, sometimes tragic, but always adventurous and captivating. Here is her true tale, the...

The Surprise Missouri Earthquake of 1811

The Missouri area experienced a devastating earthquake in 1811. Here's what effect the earthquake had on the area, and why there was even a large earthquake there in the first place.