Search Results For - American history

Alabama: The State Capitals, Part 1

Are you curious about how state capitals got their beginnings? Most have fascinating origin stories. Take Montgomery, Alabama, for example. With a history going back thousands of years, but only...

Diving Deep into the 1920 Census

If you are a veteran of using the 1920 US federal census or are just using it for the first time, there is hidden information in there that may prove useful to you as a genealogist. Here are some of...

Harriet Lane: America’s First Ladies #15

Harriet Lane was the niece of 15th US President James Buchannan and served as the bachelor president’s First Lady. She was popular, well-known, and admired here and in England. Besides that, she left...

A Closer Look at Oral Histories #1

Oral histories are a valuable genealogical resource. They give a unique perspective that only one person on the face of the earth could ever give, which is that of the person giving the history. They...

A Closer Look at Passenger Lists #1

Passenger records are an excellent source of genealogical information. People have been exploring the world by sea for thousands of years, and often used sea routes to settle in the new places they...

A Closer Look at Land Records #2

Tax records are one of the easiest types of land records to search, and also one of the first ones you should look at when delving into this kind of record. Tax records on land have been around for...

A Closer Look at Immigration Records #3

Ellis Island was the sole federally sanctioned and approved port of entry for immigrants from 1892 to 1924. It processed millions upon millions upon millions of immigrants during this time of...