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Alaska: The State Capitals, Part 2

Alaska is a harsh, inhospitable land to those who are unfamiliar with it, and it is for this reason that it took Europeans so long to even explore it, much less colonize it. As with many things among...

Alabama: The State Capitals, Part 1

Are you curious about how state capitals got their beginnings? Most have fascinating origin stories. Take Montgomery, Alabama, for example. With a history going back thousands of years, but only...

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The Fighting American Doughboys

The term ‘doughboy’ is one which remained a popular nickname for US servicemen for almost 100 years and which almost certainly had its origins in the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848.

Spitfire: The Tiger of the Skies

The Supermarine Spitfire was the iconic British aircraft of the Second World War and perhaps the most famous aircraft of the entire war of any of the participating nations. 

The Creation and History of the YMCA

It is the name of a popular song by The Village People, but the YMCA is far more than that. It is a group that goes back more than one and a half centuries. It was created to provide wholesome...