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Wallace Nutting: The Great Artists

Wallace Nutting was once a household name—and he’s still an example of deep creativity and entrepreneurship. Read his photographic history here.

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A History of the Roanoke Marshes Lighthouse

The Roanoke Marshes lighthouse is a replica of the third lighthouse to stand on its site. There are a lot of reasons why lighthouses were important structures in coastal areas in the past. They are...

Connecticut: The State Capitals, Part 7

Hartford is the state capital of Connecticut. As the oldest city in the state, it earned that status by default. No one ever truly questioned that Hartford should be the capitol of the area. The city...

Iowa: American Folklore, Part 15

Iowa was part of the Louisiana Purchase, and has a long Native American history going back before that. There is a lot of folklore here to explore. Here are some of the highlights of it.

The History of Presidents’ Day

Presidents' Day is a holiday that is celebrated in February, and usually means a day off work or school for many people. It is also highly associated with retail sales, as many businesses hold a...

Arkansas: The State Capitals, Part 4

Little Rock is the capital of Arkansas. It has a long history of human habitation, as well as a rich and varied history of European exploration and settlement. Here is the story of how Little Rock...

Arizona: The State Capitals, Part 3

Phoenix is the capital of Arizona. How did it get to be such a distinguished city? From a seasonal residence for Native hunter/gatherers to a permanent home for farming Natives, Phoenix was not...

What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1860s?

The 1860s were a decade of change and innovation. Lots of old ways of doing things in the world were being swept aside, new inventions took their place in the world spotlight, and culture produced...

The Pumpkin Pie

Have you ever wondered who invented pumpkin pie? It wasn't just one person. The story of pumpkin pie is much more interesting than that. Here's the tale.