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Russian Christmas Traditions You Should Know

If you have Russian heritage, you will be interested in learning about Russian Christmas traditions. These traditions help connect you to your Russian ancestors of today and of long ago. You might...

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Lawrence Welk: The Lawrence Welk Show

Lawrence Welk was a beloved band leader, with a special type of music called champaign music, which the crowds loved. He toured the country with his band, and had his own TV show for decades. The son...

Czech Out Kolache!: GeneFoods #1

Take a trip with us and Czech out the delectable history of the kolache as we trace its rich Bohemian heritage. I’ll show you this treat’s fascinating story!

The Pumpkin Pie

Have you ever wondered who invented pumpkin pie? It wasn't just one person. The story of pumpkin pie is much more interesting than that. Here's the tale.

The Creation of Main Street USA

Main Street USA is the “opening act” at all Disney parks, being the part of the park guests walk through before going through the castle to the primary part of the parks that includes the rides and...

Helen Herron Taft: America’s First Ladies, #27

Helen Herron Taft was the First Lady of many firsts. As the wife of twenty-seventh US President William Howard Taft, Helen was born into a family with political connections. As First Lady, she shone...

Darlene Gillespie: The Mouseketeers, Part 4

Darlene Gillespie is one of the original Mouseketeers on The Mickey Mouse Club. The most popular cast member in the first season, her popularity was usurped by Annette Funicello in the second season...

Annette Funicello: The Mouseketeers, Part 3

Annette Funicello is perhaps the best known of the original Mouseketeers on The Mickey Mouse Club TV show. In addition to being a Mouseketeer and appearing in guest spots in several Disney movies and...

The Rise of Iconic U.S. Lighthouses

Lighthouses are an iconic part of Americana that have a rich history stemming back to ancient Egypt. Let me show you some of the history behind them!