Search Results For - World War I

William McKinley: The Imperial President

Join me today as we explore the life of William McKinley, the twenty-fifth President of the United States. Discover how this Civil War hero and dedicated public servant navigated economic policies...

Brazilian Immigration Waves

Brazil, a land of vibrant cultures, rhythmic music, and breathtaking landscapes, owes much of its rich diversity to the waves of immigrants who have made it their home over the centuries. Tracing...

Early Louisiana Settlers, 1600s-1800s

Request a Free Lookup from This Database. Delve into the comprehensive world of early Louisiana history with this one-of-a-kind collection, which encompasses census records, family histories...

Must-Have Tools for a New Genealogist

Discovering your family’s history can be an exciting and rewarding journey, but having the right tools is essential. Here’s a guide to the must-have tools for any new genealogist, ensuring you’re...

Ulysses S. Grant: The General President

Join me as we explore the life of Ulysses S. Grant, the eighteenth President of the United States. Discover how this Civil War hero navigated the tumultuous Reconstruction era, faced economic...

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The State Capitals

Oklahoma City is the capital of the state of Oklahoma. It was the home of Native American tribes and was originally set apart by the US government for Native Americans to live. The government opened...