Search Results For - traditions

Russian Christmas Traditions You Should Know

If you have Russian heritage, you will be interested in learning about Russian Christmas traditions. These traditions help connect you to your Russian ancestors of today and of long ago. You might...

Genuine Irish St. Patrick’s Day Traditions

St. Patrick’s Day is an important Irish holiday, and has been for centuries. It is celebrated a little differently in Ireland than in the rest of the world. Here are some common Irish St. Patrick’s...

Christmas Traditions and Genealogy

What clues do your family's Christmas traditions hold to your genealogy? Heres how to use traditional Christmas customs around the world in genealogy research.

Irish Wedding Traditions

There are tens of millions of people in America with Irish ancestry, and even more around the world. Therefore, knowing about Irish traditions, such as wedding traditions, is important to...

French Christmas Traditions

France has a variety of unique and interesting Christmas traditions. Some are unique to France, while others are borrowed or adapted from other cultures. They all have unique meanings. Learning about...

German Christmas Traditions

If you have German ancestry, you will love learning about the interesting and unique Christmas traditions of Germany. They will help you learn more about your ancestors and their lives. They will...

Irish Holiday Traditions

Ireland has some unique Christmas traditions, as well as some holidays that are unique to the island itself. Knowing about these holidays and traditions is helpful when celebrating or learning about...

Christmas Traditions (eBook)

How does your family celebrate Christmas? Do you do it in the typical modern American way, or do you use other traditions that are not so common in this country? If your ancestors, recent or distant...

Connecting with Living Relatives in India

Tracing your roots is not just about uncovering the stories of ancestors long gone—it’s also about connecting with living relatives. In India, where extended family ties are often strong, finding...

Oral Histories: Preserving Family Stories in India

India is a land of rich oral traditions, where stories, myths, and family histories are often passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. These oral histories have been the foundation...

Introduction to Indian Genealogy

India, with its diverse cultures, ancient traditions, and rich historical background, offers an intriguing yet complex landscape for genealogical research. For anyone with roots in this vast nation...