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Category - A Closer Look at Military Records

A Closer Look at Military Records #4

A source of military records that is unorthodox but interesting, and potentially extremely rewarding, is old newspaper records. It was not uncommon during times of war for local newspapers to publish...

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A Closer Look at Military Records #3

Draft cards are excellent sources of information on your military-aged ancestor. Drafts were used in most US wars and military conflicts until the end of the Vietnam War. Digitized draft cards from...

A Closer Look at Military Records #2

The Civil War presents a unique case in military records for the United States. This is because only Union records were kept by the federal government for decades. It was the early twentieth century...

A Closer Look at Military Records #1

Military service is built into this country’s history. The service of hundreds of thousands of people over the past two and a half centuries has generated records that can be used to improve one’s...