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Animation Career: Walt Disney an American Icon

Walt Disney is probably the best-known animator the world has produced thus far. His cartoon movies are known and beloved far and wide, even those that were made seven to eight decades ago. How did...

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Mickey Mouse: Walt Disney an American Icon

Arguably the most famous creation of Walt Disney, Mickey Mouse is an iconic cartoon character that is recognized around the world. No one knows why the public found the humble, anthropomorphized...

His Childhood: Walt Disney an American Icon

While looking through my collection of Walt Disney postcards, I was inspired to talk about this household name in American culture and entertainment. While he is an American icon, he is known and...

His Early Life: Walt Disney an American Icon

Walt Disney is a well-known American cultural icon, whose movies and theme parks are famous around the world. While his creative genius is respected and his projects are known, not much is ever said...