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Search Results For - Native American

The Third Amendment: The Bill of Rights

The third amendment in the Bill of Rights assures that private homeowners or occupants cannot be ordered to house and feed soldiers without their consent in times of peace, and without some kind of...

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What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1870s?

The 1870s were a decade of change for both America and the world. There was the period of Reconstruction in the United States after the Civil War. Imperialism rose in other countries around the world...

An In-Depth Look at the 1870 US Federal Census

The 1870 US federal census is a valuable tool for genealogists looking for their families in America just after the Civil War. It is a census of a few important firsts, as well as one of a...

Using the 1890 US Veterans Schedule

Did you know that alternative records exist to help you fill in the gaps left by the loss of most of the 1890 US federal census? There are several such sources. One of the most useful, but little use...

Do You Have Irish Genealogy?

Do you have Irish genealogy? Since March is Irish-American Heritage Month (commonly called Irish History Month), this makes it a perfect time to begin your search. Here are three important and useful...

Andre Cailloux: Unsung Heroes of the Civil War

Andre Calloux is a true unsung hero of the Civil War. A mixed-race African-American who was born into slavery, he gained his freedom with support from his former masters, became a businessman and...

English Settlers in Barbados

The English have a long history in Barbados. It was one of the largest and most important English colonies for centuries. Here's how the connection started.