Search Results For - Constitution

The Tenth Amendment: The Bill of Rights

The Tenth Amendment is the last amendment in the Bill of Rights. It makes it clear that the powers of the Federal government are limited to only what is particularly given to it in the Constitution...

The Ninth Amendment: The Bill of Rights

The Ninth Amendment states that rights that are not listed in the Bill of Rights still exist, and are reserved to the people. But, this leaves a whole host of questions open about what those unlisted...

The Seventh Amendment: The Bill of Rights

The Founding Fathers really wanted to make sure that the common, everyday people of America would have fair and equal legal rights, no matter their wealth or status in society. They wanted everyone...

The Fifth Amendment: The Bill of Rights

The Fifth Amendment to the Bill of Rights says a lot of things, but they are all things that pertain to the rights of citizens if they are facing or involved in a trial in a court of law. Protecting...

The Fourth Amendment: The Bill of Rights

The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution in the Bill of Rights is the one that protects private citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures of their private property by the government. It...