Nevada has a long and intriguing history, having been inhabited by a number of different people over the millennia. As such, it has some fascinating folklore all its own. Here are some of the...
Search Results For - "Native Americans"
American Folklore: Nebraska
Nebraska is located on the Great Plains, and has a history of Native American habitation going back thousands of years. The French, Spanish, and English came in the late 17th and early 18th centuries...
American Folklore: Montana
Montana has a long history of human habitation. It was Native American territory for thousands of years, and thanks to its remote location, Europeans made contact with the Natives there only...
American Folklore: Mississippi
Mississippi has some interesting folklore. From mermaid worshipping Native Americans to witches and ghosts of all kinds, the folklore ranges from creepy to touching, and from weird to sad. Here are...
American Folklore: Minnesota
Minnesota has lots of virgin forest, a long Native American history, and a history of European exploration going back at least four centuries (maybe more, as you will see). Not surprisingly, it has...
Are We All Royalty? Mathematics Seems to Prove It
Are you descended from royalty? Most genealogists would love to discover this. It is something that sounds prestigious and gives you bragging rights in genealogical circles. The thing is, mathematics...
American Folklore: Michigan
Michigan has a long history of human habitation going back thousands of years. First belonging to Native Americans, then to the French, then to the English, it has a unique location along the Great...
American Folklore: Maine
Maine is northern, eastern, freezing, and woodsy. It has also been home to humans for thousands of years, which has given it plenty of time to develop some interesting folktales. Here are some of the...
The French and Native American Relations
The French enjoyed much better relations with Native Americans than other European groups when they first came to American shores. Here are the reasons why.
American Folklore: Kansas
Kansas has had thousands of years of human habitation in an odd and intriguing geographical environment. This has made it ripe for folklore of all kinds from both European and Native cultures. Here...
Tips to Find Your Ancestor’s Origin
Are you curious about what nation your family originated in, before they came to the United States? Most genealogists are, as it helps them know more about their ancestors, as well as their own...
Is There Another Way to Find Your Cherokee Ancestors Rather Than the Dawes Rolls?
When it comes to Cherokee genealogy, there are more sources to use than the Dawes Rolls. Many think these rolls are the only source, but you are missing out on a lot of good information if you only...
Researching Church Records in the U.S.
Have you ever looked at church records to find your ancestors? If not, you're missing out on a valuable genealogical resource. Here's what you need to know.
Who’s Who in the American Revolution: Thomas Jefferson
Who was Thomas Jefferson? Beyond being our third president and author of the Declaration of Independence, who was he? Where did he come from, what was his family like, and what other contributions...
Who’s Who in the American Revolution: Margaret Corbin
Margaret Corbin is not a name most associated with the American Revolution, but she played a very important and unique role in it. Here is her story.