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The State Capital: Maryland

Annapolis is the state capital of the state of Maryland. It has an interesting and important place in American history, including being the first peacetime capital of the country. Here is what you...

The State Capitals: Kansas

Topeka is the capital city of the state of Kansas. It has a history of human habitation that goes back thousands of years at least, and possibly more. Here is the story of Topeka, from its earliest...

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The State Capitals: Georgia

Atlanta is a large, metropolitan state capital with a long history of human habitation. It was just a small settlement on the American frontier until the railroad came. After that, it was just a...

American Folklore: South Carolina

South Carolina is one of the original thirteen British colonies in North America. It was explored by the Spanish and French in the 1500’s, settled by the British in the 1600s, and was home to Native...

American Folklore: Rhode Island

Rhode Island was an original British colony in North America, and the last colony to ratify the new US Constitution, making it the thirteenth official state. It may be the smallest state in size, but...

American Folklore: Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is one of the original thirteen British colonies in North America. It has been home to Native Americans, Quakers, the Amish, Mennonites, and Dutch, Swedish, and English settlers. Its...

American Folklore: North Carolina

North Carolina has a long history of human habitation. In that time, it has racked up some impressive folklore tales associated with its people and landscape. Tales range from the creepy to the...

American Folklore: New York

New York has a long and interesting history going back thousands of years to Native American times. It has been a French fur trapping outpost, a Dutch colony, a British colony, and one of the...

American Folklore: New Jersey

New Jersey has a long history with Native Americans, Dutch, Swedish, and English settlers. It is also one of the original thirteen British American colonies, and home to some important and decisive...

American Folklore: New Hampshire

Like most places in North America, New Hampshire has a history of human habitation going back thousands of years. It is also one of the original thirteen English colonies, and much of it is still...

The Louisiana Purchase Controversy

The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States, & caused a lot of controversy for President Thomas Jefferson. Here's why it was controversial.

American Folklore: Louisiana

Louisiana has a long and rich cultural history that is quite unlike any other in North America. With such a magical blending of cultures and languages there, it is not surprising that Louisiana has...

English Settlers in Barbados

The English have a long history in Barbados. It was one of the largest and most important English colonies for centuries. Here's how the connection started.