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Are We All Royalty? Mathematics Seems to Prove It

Are you descended from royalty? Most genealogists would love to discover this. It is something that sounds prestigious and gives you bragging rights in genealogical circles. The thing is, mathematics...

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American Folklore: Massachusetts

Massachusetts is one of the original thirteen colonies, and home to several Native American tribes for thousands of years before the arrival of the English to their shores. Between that and the...

American Folklore: Kentucky

Kentucky is one of the early states in the nation, joining the union just after the Revolution. It is one of only four states in the union to be considered a commonwealth instead of a state. Being...

The Ten Best Genealogy Websites for Beginners

These ten websites are among the best for genealogy beginners. Everyone has to start somewhere, and in the era of modern genealogy, you can do much without having to leave your house. Save that for...

A History of the Postcard

The history of the postcard is an often-overlooked, but intriguing thing. It shows how and why people mailed things, mailing preferences, innovations in printing images, and even international laws...

Tips to Write an Excellent Genealogy Blog

Have you ever considered starting a genealogy blog? It is something many people who are seriously involved in genealogy do. Here are some tips on how to make your blog more engaging.

The Birth of Lincoln Logs

Have you ever played with Lincoln Logs? Did you ever wonder about their history? It is a long and fascinating one. Here's the story behind this popular toy.

Did Your Ancestors Go Back to England?

Did your ancestors immigrate to America from England? Did they stay? Sometimes, people who disappear from the record in America actually returned to England.