Category - Military Research

A Voyage of Hope and Healing: The USS Benevolence

Explore the extraordinary journey of the USS Benevolence, a World War II hospital ship dedicated to repatriating American POWs from Japan. Discover its impactful role in Operation Magic Carpet; the...

Memorial Day: Honoring Sacrifice and Remembrance

Memorial Day is a significant day in American history, holding a special place in the hearts of many. Understanding its origins, traditions, and evolution can deepen our appreciation for this day of...

The Birth of the U.S. Navy

The history of the U.S. Navy is longer than the history of the United States. It's even longer than the idea of the United States.

A Closer Look at Military Records #2

The Civil War presents a unique case in military records for the United States. This is because only Union records were kept by the federal government for decades. It was the early twentieth century...

A Closer Look at Military Records #1

Military service is built into this country’s history. The service of hundreds of thousands of people over the past two and a half centuries has generated records that can be used to improve one’s...

The Fighting American Doughboys

The term ‘doughboy’ is one which remained a popular nickname for US servicemen for almost 100 years and which almost certainly had its origins in the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848.