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Adams and the Alien and Sedition Act

The Alien and Sedition Act cost President John Adams re-election. Here's why this act made our nation's 2nd president the first to lose a re-election campaign.

What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1790s?

The 1790s were a decade of political upheaval around the world, but most particularly in France. The United States was a new nation, just getting its footing in the world. Scandinavia and Great...

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What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1800s?

The decade of the 1800s was one of scientific innovation, wonderful new discoveries, incredible culture, and classical fashion. All of these things would have been known by most of our ancestors in...

What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1810s?

The 1810s were a decade that had a lot happening, both in the United States and around the world. There were events that impacted certain regions, some that affected the planet, and plenty of...

What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1820s?

The 1820s were a decade full of change and innovation in a number of ways. Transportation, culture, fashion, science, and more all made important changes and discoveries. These are some of the...

What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1850s?

The 1850s were not the quiet, uneventful decade that the history books usually portray them as being. In fact, there were a lot of important events going on around the globe. Our ancestors got to...

What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1880s?

The 1880s were a decade of change and innovation. A lot of exciting and interesting things were happening around the world. Your ancestors probably knew about most of them and may even have had the...

What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1890s?

The 1890s were an important decade in American and world history. There were many scientific and cultural inventions and improvements that were made that your ancestors would have enjoyed and...

What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1950s?

The 1950s were a decade of economic prosperity and cultural change. The modern world as we know it truly came into being. New inventions, cultural changes, and even the emergence of a new, recognized...

What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1870s?

The 1870s were a decade of change for both America and the world. There was the period of Reconstruction in the United States after the Civil War. Imperialism rose in other countries around the world...

Christmas Traditions and Genealogy

What clues do your family's Christmas traditions hold to your genealogy? Heres how to use traditional Christmas customs around the world in genealogy research.

What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1910s?

The 1910s were a decade of invention and innovation. There were many things that came out of that decade that are still being used and enjoyed by people today. Culture took a huge leap forward, as...

What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1930s?

The 1930s were a decade defined by the Great Depression in America, and around the world. Yet, this was not the only thing that was going on in America at the time. Here are some events of the 1930s...

Interested in a Professional Genealogy Career?

Are you considering a career in genealogy? If you have been doing genealogy for a while, you might have thought about it. It is an excellent and rewarding career for those who have a true passion for...