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The Seventh Amendment: The Bill of Rights

The Founding Fathers really wanted to make sure that the common, everyday people of America would have fair and equal legal rights, no matter their wealth or status in society. They wanted everyone...

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The Fifth Amendment: The Bill of Rights

The Fifth Amendment to the Bill of Rights says a lot of things, but they are all things that pertain to the rights of citizens if they are facing or involved in a trial in a court of law. Protecting...

California: American Folklore, Part 5

California has a rich history of human civilization going back thousands of years, and some of its folklore originates almost back to the first people to live in the area. There are also European...

Arizona: American Folklore, Part 3

Arizona was the last continental state to be admitted to the union, though its history of human habitation goes back thousands of years. From Native Americans to Spanish priests, from the Old West to...

Dolley Madison: America’s First Ladies #4

Dolley Madison was the 4th First Lady of the United States. The wife of James Madison, she is famous for saving the portrait of George Washington from the White House during the War of 1812. However...

What Were Your Ancestors Doing in the 1820s?

The 1820s were a decade full of change and innovation in a number of ways. Transportation, culture, fashion, science, and more all made important changes and discoveries. These are some of the...

Your Rebel Ancestors, Part Two: The Women

Just like the Puritan magistrates and ministers were against men wearing their hair long, they were also against the women wearing their hair elaborately. Anything other than a plain bun covered by a...

The State Capitals: Ohio

Columbus is the capital of the state of Ohio in the United States. It has a long history of Native American habitation, most famously as the home of the Mound Builder culture. It was named after...

The State Capitals: North Dakota

Bismarck is the capital of the state of North Dakota. It has a long history of Native American habitation, but its European settlement is much more recent.

Marblehead Lighthouse State Park

If you are looking for something historic, educational, and just plain fun for the whole family, consider a day out at Marblehead Lighthouse State Park. This park is centered around the historic...

American Folklore: Utah

Utah came to the attention of European explorers late in the exploration game in North America. No European was interested in settling there until the 1800s because of its desert climate, though it...