Search Results For - American history

A Closer Look at Prickett’s Fort State Park

Prickett’s Fort State Park is a wonderful historical resource to the state of West Virginia. It not only shows how life was like for English settlers on the West Virginian frontier in the 1700’s, it...

The State Capitals: Florida

Tallahassee is the state capital of Florida, and it has a rich and interesting history. As a Native American settlement for thousands of years, it eventually became part of a Spanish colony, and then...

Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site

The Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site is a beautifully restored and maintained house museum dedicated to celebrating the 23rd US President. There is much to enjoy at this 1870’s-era home. Join me...

John Clem: The Unsung Heroes of the Civil War

John Clem was the youngest soldier to serve in the Union during the Civil War, becoming a drummer boy at only ten years old. He was also the youngest noncommissioned officer in US military history...

What You Need to Know About French Surnames

If you have French ancestry, you will want to know a little more about French surnames and their history. This information will let you know more about your French ancestors than you imagined.

Are We All Royalty? Mathematics Seems to Prove It

Are you descended from royalty? Most genealogists would love to discover this. It is something that sounds prestigious and gives you bragging rights in genealogical circles. The thing is, mathematics...

The Last Holdout of the Confederacy

Town Line is a tiny hamlet in upstate New York near the Canadian border that inexplicably voted to secede and join the Confederacy during the Civil War. No one knows why to this day. Here is the...

What Makes Genealogy So Important?

What are your reasons for doing genealogy? If you are a beginner or haven’t started yet, your personal reason(s) will be your motivation. Here are the most common reasons for doing genealogy, but...

Tips to Find Your Ancestor’s Origin

Are you curious about what nation your family originated in, before they came to the United States? Most genealogists are, as it helps them know more about their ancestors, as well as their own...

Double Dating in Genealogy

Did you know that there was a change in our calendar in 1752? There was, and it changed the way things were dated. Quaker records make identifying the right dates more confusing. Here’s how to figure...