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The Fighting American Doughboys

The term ‘doughboy’ is one which remained a popular nickname for US servicemen for almost 100 years and which almost certainly had its origins in the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848.

The Creation and History of the YMCA

It is the name of a popular song by The Village People, but the YMCA is far more than that. It is a group that goes back more than one and a half centuries. It was created to provide wholesome...

Animation Career: Walt Disney an American Icon

Walt Disney is probably the best-known animator the world has produced thus far. His cartoon movies are known and beloved far and wide, even those that were made seven to eight decades ago. How did...

His Childhood: Walt Disney an American Icon

While looking through my collection of Walt Disney postcards, I was inspired to talk about this household name in American culture and entertainment. While he is an American icon, he is known and...

Connecticut: American Folklore, Part 7

Connecticut has a long history of folklore, going back thousands of years with Native Americans, and more than four hundred years with Europeans. Some creepy things have happened there, some of which...

California: American Folklore, Part 5

California has a rich history of human civilization going back thousands of years, and some of its folklore originates almost back to the first people to live in the area. There are also European...

Arizona: American Folklore, Part 3

Arizona was the last continental state to be admitted to the union, though its history of human habitation goes back thousands of years. From Native Americans to Spanish priests, from the Old West to...

The Amazing Story of Horace Greasley

In WWII, one young soldier named Horace Greasley braved a barrage of Nazi soldiers most every night to break out of his prisoner of war camp to meet up with the woman he loved. Each night, he would...

Adams and the Alien and Sedition Act

The Alien and Sedition Act cost President John Adams re-election. Here's why this act made our nation's 2nd president the first to lose a re-election campaign.